It never stops (and that's a good thing)

Feb 03, 2021

Do you remember the last day of your schooldays? No more uniform (if you had one). No more prep!

And then the last days of university, if you went, seen through an alcoholic haze? For most of us education ended years and years ago. But anyone who has taken adult education courses, or a further professional training, knows that there is a particular joy (not unmixed with fear) of returning to the classroom.

A few weeks ago, Dorothy and Murray did just that. We joined a group of entrepreneurs in Hammersmith (London) learning about Social Media. True, we didn’t sit at desks, and the comfortable seats with tables had a choice of sparkling and still water. But the presenters stood at the front and guided us through complicated material with the use of an excellent handbook and projected slides.

There were several ‘ah ha’ moments over the three days. At first, the biggest insight is to realise how much you simply do not know. When it comes to Instagram for example, there are several household names in the media industry who simply do not realise its potential for their business. We found out how to (legitimately) build up an appreciable following on Twitter and Facebook, a necessity if you are going to have a credible on-line business.

There is a lot to be said for seeing education as a lifelong process.